Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to place an order?

    Follow the steps below and you’ll be on your way to ordering your products in little to no time at all. Select your favorite items and add them to your shopping cart Tell us where you would like us to ship them. Choose a payment option and complete the checkout process. Once you confirm your order we will call you just to make sure we got everything right. and you are done! We will deliver your selected items, to your doorstep.

  2. Is the option for cash on delivery available?

    Yes, Cash on Delivery is available on all our products. However, some products which have higher pricing may require full advanced payments if you opt for the cash on delivery. In such cases, a bank payment would be more advisable.

  3. Can the pricing of the products you have ordered change?

    Prices quoted on the website are always correct, however, despite this, it may be possible that the prices of products may immediately fluctuate due to market forces such as the Forex rate or taxes. While this is rare, our highest priority is to ensure that you get the correct pricing as soon as we are updated about our price list. Ohmytech reserves the right to make immediate changes to prices without any prior notice. In the case that the price fluctuates and your order has not been confirmed, the old price will become invalid. We would advise you to always confirm your bill on the confirmation call to avoid any kind of miscommunication.